Expansion Tank Pressure Calculator

Expansion Tank Pressure Calculator

Please use this calculator to determine the the right expansion tank pressure

Important information about system pressures: (takes 5 min to complete)

  • Minimum system pressure 20 PSI
  • Maximum system pressure 29 PSI
  • The optimal pressure in expansion tank is 7 PSI lower than system pressure
  • The distance between expansion tank and collector don’t impact on the system pressure in closed cycle system. These systems keep set pressure.
  • Average expansion tank pressure 18 PSI

Normally the factory new tank nominal pressure is different from the working one for solar collector system . For instance, the 16 gal expansion tank pre-charge pessure is 36 PSI. To maintain correct work of the whole system, you need to reduce the pressure value to this from calculator.

Expansion tank calculator
Indicate the #of collectors
Determine your system working pressure, it can be measured using a manometer.
Based on some basic calculations.
The amount of expansion tank which is need to maintain proper work of the system.

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