avwFm87mDz2012-04-18T10:49:06+00:00Take the exam as close to completing the PV course as you can arrange. Waiting weeks or months, unless you plan to study during that time will only shorten your chances of getting a passing grade which is a 70.
avwFm87mDz2012-04-18T10:48:24+00:00The course will be offered several times in the coming year. You can return at no extra charge and attend for those missed days. However, your certificate won’t be issued until those days are made up.
avwFm87mDz2012-04-18T10:47:48+00:00Small classes which run about 10 to 15 students allow for more individual attention. The instructors provide students with email addresses and in some cases cell phone numbers so anything that the student still has problems with which hasn’t been resolved in class can be...
avwFm87mDz2012-04-18T10:47:06+00:00No. Preprinted three‐ring binders will be distributed and will follow the powerpoints. I would recommend bringing the 2011 NEC along to class (not the handbook or the CD). If you don’t have one, buy one. It is essential to the solar installation business and guaranteed...
avwFm87mDz2012-04-18T10:46:15+00:00The “test” is a project at the end of the course which students do in small groups. It is not graded and has nothing to do with whether you receive your certificate or not. Each group is given a request for a system and they...
avwFm87mDz2012-04-18T10:44:54+00:00There is some math but it consists mostly of simple concepts which students usually can grasp with little difficulty.