
Programming SmartMaxx Controllers 11/15/2010

SUNMAXX SOLAR HOT WATER SOLUTIONSPROGRAMMING SMARTMAXX CONTROLLERS Presented by: Todd PaternosterDate: 11/15/2010Okay. I’d like to welcome everyone to our Solar Programming SmartMaxx Controllers Webinar. My name is Todd Paternoster Director of Training for SunMaxx Solar. I’m going to take the next thirty minutes and cover in...

Fundamentals in Steamback Design 11/08/2010

SUNMAXX SOLAR HOT WATER SOLUTIONSFUNDAMENTALS IN STEAMBACK DESIGN Presented by: Todd PaternosterDate: 11/08/2010Ok, Good Afternoon everybody. My name is Todd Paternoster, Director of Training for SunMaxx Solar. This is another one of our SunMaxx Solar webinar series. Today I’d like to talk about the fundamentals in...

Drainback Systems 10/18/2010

[iframe https://my.dimdim.com/view/reco/all/sunmaxx/default/ee08c153-a181-4823-900b-43734dba62f7 650 500]SUNMAXX SOLAR HOT WATER SOLUTIONSDRAINBACK SYSTEMS Presented by: Todd PaternosterDate: 10/18/2010Good morning. Welcome to the next addition of our SunMaxx Solar hot water series webinar. Today I’d like to discuss drainback systems and how to optimize the performance for both flat plates and...