Solar Incentives & Rebates

Everything you need to know about Solar Thermal Incentives

California (Feed-In Tariff)

Incentive Type  Performance-Based IncentiveEligible Technologies  Solar Thermal Electric, Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal Electric, Municipal Solid Waste, Anaerobic Digestion, Small Hydroelectric, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal, Biodiesel, Fuel Cells using Renewable FuelsApplicable Sectors  Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Local Government, State Government, AgriculturalIncentive Amount Tariff is based on the...

California (LADWP) – Solar Feed-in Tariff Demonstration Program

Incentive Type  Performance-Based IncentiveEligible Technologies  PhotovoltaicsApplicable Sectors  Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Nonprofit, State Government, Fed. GovernmentAmount Determined by applicant's bidding price, and adjusted based on Time of Delivery multipliersTerms Up to 20 yearsEligible System Size(s) 30 kW AC - 999 kW ACEquipment requirements Project must be registered as RPS-compliant with the California Energy...

Colorado – United Power – Renewable Energy Rebate Program

Incentive Type Utility Rebate ProgramEligible Technologies Solar Water Heat, Photovoltaics, WindApplicable Sectors Commercial, ResidentialIncentive Amount PV: $0.75/W Wind: $0.50/W Solar Water Heating: $25/MBtuMaximum Incentive PV: $2,250 Wind: $1,500 Solar Water Heating: $1,000Eligible System Size(s) PV and Wind: 0.5 kW - 25 kWEquipment Standards Solar water heater must be SRCC-certified have an electric water heater back-up systemInstallation...

California (Marin Clean Energy) – Feed-In Tariff

Incentive Type  Performance-Based IncentiveEligible Technologies  Solar Thermal Electric, Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal Electric, Municipal Solid Waste, Anaerobic Digestion, Small Hydroelectric, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal, Biodiesel, Fuel Cells using Renewable FuelsApplicable Sectors  Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Nonprofit, Local Government, State Government, Fed. Government, Multi-Family ResidentialAmount Varies by...

Colorado(Aspen & Pitkin County) – Renewable Energy Mitigation Program

Incentive Type Building Energy CodeEligible Technologies Solar Water Heat, Photovoltaics, Geothermal Heat PumpsApplicable Sectors Commercial, ResidentialIncentive Amount None ListedMaximum Incentive None ListedEligible System Size(s) None ListedEquipment Standards None ListedInstallation Standards None ListedStart Date 03/09/2010

More Information Contact:

Public Information Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE) P.O. Box 9707 215 N. Garmisch St. Aspen, CO 81612 Phone: (970) 544-9808 Fax: (970) 963-5691 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: 

California (Property Tax Exclusion for Solar Energy Systems)

Incentive Type  Property Tax IncentiveEligible Technologies  Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Thermal Electric, Solar Thermal Process Heat, Photovoltaics, Solar Mechanical EnergyApplicable Sectors  Commercial, Industrial, ResidentialAmount 100% of system value; 75% of system value exemption for dual-use equipmentMaximum Incentive None ListedEligible System Size(s) None ListedEquipment Standards None ListedInstallation Standards None ListedStart Date  January...

Colorado – Building Energy Code

Incentive Type Building Energy CodeEligible Technologies Solar Water Heat, PhotovoltaicsApplicable Sectors Commercial, ResidentialIncentive Amount None ListedMaximum Incentive None ListedEligible System Size(s) None ListedEquipment Standards None ListedInstallation Standards None ListedStart Date None Listed

More Information Contact:

Rick Hanger Colorado Department of Local Affairs Division of Housing 1313 Sherman Street #321 Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 866-4656 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: Conor Merrigan Colorado...

California – Partial Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Agricultural Solar Power Facilities

Incentive Type  Sales Tax IncentiveEligible Technologies  PhotovoltaicsApplicable Sectors  AgriculturalAmount100% of the taxes levied by the State. Local and district sales taxes will still apply.Maximum Incentive None ListedEligible System Size(s) None ListedEquipment requirements At least half of the electricity produced by the system must be used to power agricultural equipment.Installation Standards None ListedStart...

Colorado(City of Boulder) – Green Points Building Program

Incentive Type Building Energy CodeEligible Technologies Passive Solar Space Heat, Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, PhotovoltaicsApplicable Sectors Commercial, Residential, Construction, Multi-Family ResidentialIncentive Amount None ListedMaximum Incentive None ListedEligible System Size(s) None ListedEquipment Standards None ListedInstallation Standards None ListedStart Date None Listed

More Information Contact:

Elizabeth Vasatka City of Boulder Boulder, CO 80306 Phone: (303) 441-1964 Phone 2: (303) 441-1880 Fax: (303) 441-4070 E-Mail: [email protected] Web...

Colorado(City of Denver) – Green Building Requirement for City-Owned Buildings

Incentive Type Energy Standards for Public BuildingsEligible Technologies Passive Solar Space Heat, Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Thermal Electric, Photovoltaics, Wind, Small HydroelectricApplicable Sectors Local GovernmentIncentive Amount None-ListedMaximum Incentive None ListedEligible System Size(s) None ListedRequirement All applicable new City building construction and major renovations will be built and certified to...